FT UNY Design Operational Vehicle for Covid19 Nurses (KOPeC19)
Submitted by humas-ft on Tue, 2020-12-08 13:07
Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is designing operational vehicles for health workers to treat Covid-19 patients (KOPeC19) in order to prevent medical personnel from contracting this virus. KOPeC19 is being prepared by lecturers of the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program in collaboration with the Automotive Engineering Education Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, namely Dr. phil Ir. Mashoedah, M.T, Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, M.T, Drs.Ir. Moch. Solichin, M.Kes., Dr. Sutiman, M.Pd., Ardy Seto Priambodo, M.Eng., Assisted by several students from the two study programs.
Dr. phil. Ir. Mashoedah, M.T as the originator of the idea, described his ideas in a sketch of a picture which was then communicated with several lecturers and students. After going through online discussions and determining the design and components, a team was formed to carry out the work of making this KOPeC19.
According to Mashoedah, the background of making this vehicle is to help medical personnel not to be infected by Covid-19 because of the high frequency of interactions with patients so that they can increase their sense of security and comfort in carrying out their duties.
“KOPeC19 is a vehicle designed for medical personnel while on duty in hospitals or other health facilities. This tool is like a vehicle in general which has an entrance on the left side which is covered with dense rubber on the side, but what distinguishes it is its shape which resembles a capsule so that it can be operated independently by medical personnel, "explained Mashoedah.
“KOPeC19 can be moved forward, backward, turn left and right with a diameter of less than 80 cm, making it possible to enter and exit the hospital room doors. At the front of the vehicle, access is given to reach out a hand in the form of a glove in the shape of a flexible trunk so that the medical personnel's hands are protected while providing care to patients, "he continued.
"The inside of KOPeC19 is equipped with a cooler (air conditioner) and a sound system to facilitate communication with patients. Apart from that, there are also medical equipment, urinal, control dashboard, rear camera monitor and other facilities needed by medical personnel while carrying out their duties, "explained Mashoedah.
Even though it is a capsule, this vehicle is designed to have a seat and a backrest for the operator, so that medical personnel will still feel comfortable while on duty in this vehicle. The drive of this vehicle uses a BLDC motor (Brush Less DC motor) which can be operated in two modes, manual and automatic.
"Then, to ensure sterility from viruses, users of this vehicle still need a sterilization process before and after use," Mashoedah continued.
"Currently, KOPeC19 is in the stage of making a prototype. We keep trying so that it can be completed soon and really hope that later this tool can provide real benefits to help medical personnel in handling Covid-19, "concluded Mashoedah.